Well, first think of the Merchant of Venice:
Portia is a beautiful, virtuous, wealthy woman who is being wooed by numerous suitors. She is not free to decide on her own whom she will marry because her late father stipulated in his will that she must marry the man who correctly picks the one casket (out of three) that contains her picture. One casket is gold, another is silver, and the third is made of lead. The Prince of Morocco is one in a long line of suitors who tries to win Portia’s hand, and he decides that it would demean Portia to have her picture in anything other than a gold casket, and so he chooses that one. As he unlocks it, he is dismayed to find a picture, not of Portia but of Death, with a message written in its hollow eye: “All that glisters is not gold; / Often have you heard that told. / Many a man his life hath sold / But my outside to behold. / Gilded tombs do worms enfold.” With a grieving heart the Prince takes hasty leave of Portia, who is happy to see him go, saying, “A gentle riddance”.
Adopt the bard’s spelling and look for suitably gothic and unexpectedly colourful fabrics….
(Favourite is the brooding ‘buzzy bee’ print on inside of lid)